Atlas Resting – Clay, terracotta & black enamel color. 40cm x 16cm x 20cm
Black Socrates – Plaster. 166x35x35cm
Chasing Archetypes – Resin, plastic, wood, acrylic colors. 20cm x 20cm x 23cm
Minotaur – Fallen Angel – Clay, plaster, iron, neodymium magnets. 20cm x 11cm x 32cm
Dionysos – The Holy Child – Organic Material, acrylic & nickel-plated colors Iron, wood, cotton, plastic & silicon, plaster, gold leaf 24K. 38cm x 38cm x55cm
Dionysos – The Holy Child – Organic Material, acrylic & nickel-plated colors Iron, wood, cotton, plastic & silicon, plaster, gold leaf 24K. 38cm x 38cm x55cm (view 3)
Dionysos – The Holy Child – Organic Material, acrylic & nickel-plated colors Iron, wood, cotton, plastic & silicon, plaster, gold leaf 24K. 38cm x 38cm x55cm (view 2)
Epipsychidion – Organic Material, plaster, cement, chrome color Iron, neodymium magnets. 67cm x 57cm x 105cm
Epipsychidion – Organic Material, plaster, cement, chrome color Iron, neodymium magnets. 67cm x 57cm x 105cm (view 2)
Epipsychidion – Organic Material, plaster, cement, chrome color Iron, neodymium magnets. 67cm x 57cm x 105cm (ball wings detail)
Epipsychidion – Organic Material, plaster, cement, chrome color Iron, neodymium magnets. 67cm x 57cm x 105cm (wings detail)
Eros carrying the Earth – Bronze, resin, lacquer & acrylic colors. 19cm x 19cm x 54cm (multiple views)
First Man – Stannum with lead. 10cm x 14cm x 16cm
Icarus – polyester, nickel-plated plastic parts, iron, steel, enamel color, aluminum. 70x175x70cm
Ark – Wood & Iron. 60x25x18cm
Labyrinth – organic matter, acrylics, gesso, silicon, crystal resin, capacitor fuses, on wood. 44x44x3,5 cm
Dreams and conflicts – gold leaves 24k, crystal resin on PVC. 34×42,5×2 cm
Ascetic – crystal resin, gypsum, PVC, acrylics colors, bronze fiber, on wood. 44x44x4,5